Monday, January 29, 2007

Underground Fashion

An evening in the southern parts of Stockholm, at a party with lots of people, but only a part of the B-gang... M n´M! + Pink outfit;)

Martin and.. Who is in
the middle?
Do U see it??
A.k.a..Yea thats right;)

The Host and M:)


It´s all about me said...

ÖNSKAR ATT JAG HADE VARIT MEEED!! TYVÄRR är man ju långt borta i somriga Buenos Aires...

thebeverlyhillsgang said...

Ahh I wish I had been with you guys... Its no real Beverly Hills gang otherwise...=) haha fast det såg väldigt kul ut... Avundsjuk....ska inleda en intrig tror jag....=)!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well said.